#LAMBMETRICS for the day
Drysdale & English Leicester Flocks
Born today: 8
Total Lambs Born: 31
Drysdale lambs (live total): 16
English Leicester lambs (live total): 9
English Leicester X lambs (live total): 3
Total Sets of Twins born: 7
Total Sets of Triplets born: 1
Total ewe lambs: 16
Total ram lambs: 15
Ewes lambed /76: 22 (28.9 %)
Lamb % : 127 % [live]
Assisted/Dystocias: 4
Losses: 3 [lamb]; 0 [ewe]
Notable Midwifery tales:
Headed out early this morning. It’s peak lambing season now and with a full moon the other night I was hoping things would be settling down.
After a couple of troublesome ones I checked the ewes with a certain amount of trepidation, to be honest. It had been raining softly most of the night and I arrived to find – lambs everywhere. Oh.
Walk up the hill towards the shed (and can hear Bibbi yelling for breakfast) and I see two ewes and three lambs hanging about in a way that makes me go hmmmm. A Drysdale and English Leicester? Oh, a Drysdale and Hermione. Hermione is an English Leicester x Drysdale ewe who has a known (familial) history for “lamb-napping”. Last year was a classic…
As I get closer to them I groan and am making plans in my head to sort out the mess and then I realise — the three lambs all look the same…. and they don’t look like Drysdales. The Drysdale ewe wandered off and so that meant: triplets!

Yep, that’s three lambs. The pregnancy scan only came up with two…. Seems that Hermione worked out if you want more lambs you have to actually birth them yourself. LOL
So, two girls and one boy for her. She’s doing a good job so far. The lambs are 75/25 English Leicester/Drysdale.

During the other rounds of the morning I decided to pull a lamb out of the Twins paddock. I think it was the same lamb I saw getting poor love yesterday – it’s mother loves the other twin more – and it was looking thin and miserable. This means Bibbi now has a pal.
Meet Bobbi, a merino boy. (Pink jacket, pink nose)

I guess I had better talk about the ewe that prolapsed yesterday. Discovered this morning that the prolapse had resolved fully (yay!) and that there was afterbirth hanging out as she sat there (boo….)
So, knew that the lamb/s were definitely dead and was hoping I could extract them safely. It was a bit of work but nothing like the other day, thankfully. She must have felt much better to have them out but the fact that they were dead made her a bit depressed and dull. She received a fair bit of TLC over the day – and little Bobbi curled up next to her as she sat there (not wanting to stand).
She’s let herself out of the shed though now and she’s around the other ewes. Still quite dull but hopeful that being around the others will help her recover faster.
Meanwhile, I asked for help to name Boadicea’s adopted bub over on the facebook page. Some great names suggested (will keep some for later….) but the one with the most Likes was…. Poppy.
Thanks, everyone, for your help!