#LAMBMETRICS for the day
Drysdale & English Leicester Flocks
Born 8-10/9/19: 9
Total Lambs Born: 65
Drysdale lambs (live total): [no purebreds in 2019]
DrysdaleX lambs (total): 34
English Leicester lambs (live total): 30
Total Sets of Twins born: 15
Total Sets of Triplets born: 0
Total ewe lambs: 30
Total ram lambs: 35
Ewes lambed /68: 50 (73.5 %)
Lamb % : 128 % [live]
Assisted/Dystocias: 8
Losses: 1
Notable Midwifery tales:
Beautiful spring day today.

Just the one set of twins to greet us this morning. Possibly another lamb “on the way” tonight too.

The older lambs and their mothers have been shifted to the Big Paddock from the small paddock they’ve been in. Keeping them in a smaller areas assists the Shepherdess in making sure everyone is getting enough milk and doing okay. (We learn from our mistakes, hopefully)
That paddock was getting a little crowded so the ewes and lambs willing to come running were drifted off yesterday and they are now enjoying a paddock with a View.

Things are starting to quieten a little. Most of the “milking” problems have resolved and only 2-3 need a spare bottle top-up rather than the 12 that there was a week ago. Here’s hoping it lasts..!