Occasionally we have sheep and rams available for private sale.
All purchasers must have a Property Identification Number (PIC) to comply with national livestock regulations.
Sales are to approved homes only.
Ovine Brucellosis-Free Accredited Flock.
English Leicester
English Leicesters are a rare Heritage breed.
Please note that we currently shear the majority of the flock twice a year.
Our stud flock is registered with ASSBA – Flock #423
Member of the English Leicester Association of Australia

Rams: We occasionally have flock rams and ram lambs available.
If you require a registered stud ram then this could be arranged.
Colours: White, and English Blue
Price: from $440

We occasionally have a limited number of grade and stud English Leicester ewes available for sale.
Colours: White (including some carrying the silver / English Blue colour gene)
Price: from $300-$550

Wethers & Pets
We occasionally have wethers (castrated males) and non-breeding females available.
Colours: White, and English Blue / Silver
Price: from $110
Drysdales are an extremely rare breed.
They must be shorn at least twice a year and all animals are horned.
Breeding stock (rams/ewes) will only be sold to purchasers willing to be dedicated to the survival of this special breed.
Our stud flock is registered with ASSBA – Flock #255

Rams: We occasionally have a small number of purebred ram lambs available.
If you require a registered stud ram then this could be arranged.
Colour: White
Price: from $550

We occasionally have a very limited number Drysdale ewes available for sale. Approved purchasers only.
Colour: White
Price: from $550

We occasionally have wether lambs (castrated males) available.
Price: from $110
Beersheba Farm