#LAMBMETRICS for the day
Drysdale & English Leicester Flocks
Born today: 2
Total Lambs Born: 39
Drysdale lambs (live total): 18
English Leicester lambs (live total): 12
English Leicester X lambs (live total): 5
Total Sets of Twins born: 11
Total Sets of Triplets born: 1
Total ewe lambs: 20
Total ram lambs: 19
Ewes lambed /76: 26 (34.2 %)
Lamb % : 134 % [live]
Assisted/Dystocias: 5
Losses: 4 [lamb]; 0 [ewe]
Notable Midwifery tales:
Glorious weather today with brilliant, warm sunshine.
For those that have fleece from Cindy – you’ll be pleased to know it looks like she’s had a little boy today. I didn’t get too close because there was another new mum near her that wasn’t as calm about me being there!
Meanwhile, in the stud flocks, there was only one set of twins born today.
I went to feed Bibbi & Bobbi just after lunch and I could hear “someone” yelling….. Turns out that at least one English Leicester ewe read my Memo* and took the instructions to heart!
It tends to get complicated when two lambs attempt to exit the mother at the same time. Probably a good thing she was a little tight to begin with because it meant there weren’t multiple bits sticking out as they couldn’t get that far!
Managed to get one lamb rearranged and got the head and front legs out. Then the ewe gave such a mighty push that with the bit of pull I was exerting on the front legs the lamb shot out like a cannonball and landed a good 20cm away!! Quickly put that lamb in front of her to work on and distract her from trying to get up (always tricky when the left hand is restraining and the right hand is doing the internals and you’re short.) The second lamb wasn’t quite ready to come along – they often snatch back their little hoof when you try to hold it – but I didn’t want to wait and have to try get her down again as she was still a bit tight. So that was another lamb ejected with velocity.
It had been starting to stress inside but the birth was so quick the lamb was a bit slow to get going.
No Drysdales today. I’m actually glad since I had to change rams halfway during joining and there was a one week gap so there should be a gap in the births…. (Turns out old Henry managed quite a few successes… despite giving the appearance of being clapped out and past it!!)
* MEMO TO ALL EWES: Remember that if you are in need of assistance then please don’t hesitate to YELL and raise a hoof. Your attending midwife will arrive forthwith. Failure to yell may result in a delayed response.