#LAMBMETRICS for the last few days
Drysdale & English Leicester Flocks
Born today: 0
Total Lambs Born: 107
Drysdale lambs (live total): 48
English Leicester lambs (live total): 37
English Leicester X lambs (live total): 13
Total Sets of Twins born: 35
Total Sets of Triplets born: 0
Total ewe lambs: 53
Total ram lambs: 54
Ewes lambed /70: 70 (100 %)
Lamb % : 140 % [live]
Assisted/Dystocias: 11
Losses: 9 [lamb]; 0 [ewe]
Castledale & Merino Flocks
Born today: 1
Total Lambs Born: 100
MerinoX lambs (live total): 25
Castledale lambs (live total): 67
Total Sets of Twins born: 38
Total Sets of Triplets born: 0
Ewes lambed /62: 62 (100 %)
Lamb % : 148% [live]
Assisted/Dystocias: 3
Losses: 10 [lamb]; 1 [ewe]
All done and dusted!
The last Merino ewe lambed a day or so ago. Unfortunately, as is wont with the last handful (why, I do not know) it was slightly overcooked and the ewe had herself in a bad position (legs uphill is *bad*) and lamb got stuck and had died before I arrived. The ewe took a while to get herself walking again (took the tractor taxi to the hospital but then she broke out…. lol)
The number of lambs on the bottle this year (saved!) is a bit overwhelming but they had adjusted very nicely to the new “Lambars” and are going through milk at a rate of knots! LOL

I will try get a further Stat Breakdown done in the next few days.
Now there is a mad scramble for last minute preparations for The Big Wool Show! A wonderful online woolly event – based in Australia but accessible everywhere. 🙂 🙂
So, our online shop will close for “refurbishment” later tonight and then open up for The Big Wool Show on Saturday morning! 😀