Seems that some sheep prefer to eat their hay whilst standing on top of the big bale….. #dawnscene
Another day flat out getting around everyone and the #lamsplosion is on again. At least five sets of twins (mostly all ewe lambs!) and the count in the Singles paddock went from 2 at 8am to 6-7 at 9am..! Will do the full stats tomorrow when I get the rest of today’s tagged up and counted properly.
Had to give a hand to a young Castledale maiden ewe and she has no milk and no interest whatsoever in a lamb so there was another timesuck on the day with a newbie youngster to run around after. Failures in mothering have been noted….. As a general rule the non-stud sheep are definitely calmer than last year and so that is greatly assisting the record keeping. The maiden ewes that are letting me handle their lambs without running off are getting a big Gold Star and commendation in the Midwivery notebook. ๐
Bottle stats are running at 2 on the full bottle and supplementing 5-7 in varying degrees (winding back most of them as mums’ milk seem to be coming in, hooray).
Panda, our superfine black ewe had her twins today. Another set of ewes. ๐

And another lovely set of Drysdale twins too. (More ewe lambs!)

Will have to clear some of the old photos off my phone so I can take more…. sort of “maxing out” at the moment!
The Trainee Assistant Midwife is on duty for the weekend but hopefully the ewes won’t give her too much experience all at once..! But definitely lots of lamb cuddling and bottle-feeding. ๐