On Sunday we went along to the annual Sheep & Wool Fair that is run by a small group of “Strong Wool” breeders. In this case, “strong wool” refers to wools over 30 micron and used for rugs/carpets. The breeds are: Border Leicester, English Leicester, Cheviot, Drysdale, Romney, Perendale and Lincoln.
Representing the Drysdales were Gilbert and his sister Gillyflower. Naturally, they took out Champion Drysdale Ram & Ewe. ๐ย Gilbert’s fleece also snared Champion Drysdale fleece and the Champion Medullated Fleece.

Three young English Leicesters came too and they collected Champion English Leicester Ram & Ewe. Their dad’s fleece took out Champion English Leicester fleece. And, to top it off, a skein of grey English Leicester yarn I had spun up won a blue ribbon (1st).

Arrived home totally exhausted, of course, and hope to do some more shows later in the year.
Maybe we will see you there?? ๐