LambMetrics is our lambing blog which tells some of the tales of farm life at lambing time.
Also contains pretty lamb pictures – and maybe a few confronting ones too.
Beautiful sunshine today. Cold wind though.
Managed to get through my backlog of tagging lambs. Still have to put it all on paper/computer to add up but hopefully there will be stats tomorrow night. Which will be good since there are only about 40 ewes left to lamb?!
First thing this morning though – TRIPLETS!

Dear Mona had these lovely little lambs (definitely not as big as Hermione’s!) which was 2 black lambs and 1 white. Mona’s mother, Mopsy, is a black/silver so it’s good to carry on the coloured English Leicester genes.
Mona is 4 years old this year and I was going to link to a blog post about her birth – since her mum was not well and so Mona was hand-raised – but I discovered I didn’t do LambMetrics in 2018… oops. oh well, here’s a baby pic of Mona and her sister instead!

Despite the sunny weather and lots of lambs I basically forgot to take photos. Ooops. That’s the trouble when running about after them all and trying to make sure all the twins are together and being recorded correctly.