LambMetrics is our lambing blog which tells some of the tales of farm life at lambing time.
Also contains pretty lamb pictures – and maybe a few confronting ones too.
A bit of rain overnight – just enough to keep things squelching – and I was hoping for another quiet day in the lambing zone. Especially since I have 2 fingers taped together. LOL
The scene this morning involved a Drysdale ewe – who had scanned for a single pregnancy.
“She’s had two! The scanner was wrong!”
and then
“Things that make you go hmmmmmmm”

Wait a minute, one of these is not like the other….

I pull the drinking lamb away and discover it’s from a set of twins I pulled from a merino ewe (the ones where they were both trying to exit at the same time).
Oh no, the ewe has happily accepted him and she wasn’t as excited about her actual lamb.
So into the pen for her to get the thief away from her. Unfortunately, I suspect he had thieved nearly all the colostrum. Her lamb has been supplemented just in case. He was a bit daft too so that had to be sorted out.
Remember the English Leicester lamb that we grafted onto a Castledale ewe that had lost her lamb due to her teats being too large? Well, she accepted him for sure but we’ve still been having to restrain her to let the lamb drink. I had a big talk to her today – reminding her that it would be more comfortable for everyone if she let the lamb drink little and often. I then put a collar on her in anticipation of needing something to hold. Let them out after bub had had his drink. Fifteen minutes later I see…..
Winner! 😀
Lots of single lambs being born at the moment. Will try catch up on them tomorrow if the weather is good enough. Only one set of twins born today.
Will finish on a sight this afternoon that makes me smile.