#LAMBMETRICS for the day
Drysdale & English Leicester Flocks
Born today: 5
Total Lambs Born: 20
Drysdale lambs (live total): 12
English Leicester lambs (live total): 7
English Leicester X lambs (live total): 0
Total Sets of Twins born: 6
Total Sets of Triplets born: 0
Total ewe lambs: 10
Total ram lambs: 10
Ewes lambed /76: 14Β (18.4 %)
Lamb % : 135 % [live]
Assisted/Dystocias: 2
Losses: 1 [lamb]; 0 [ewe]
Notable Midwifery tales:
Bit tired tonight (the dogs barking at the foxes at Stupid O’Clock don’t help) so this will be shorter than yesterday!
Two English Leicester ewes had lambed this morning. I suspect they are actually twin sisters….. Each had a single and there was a ewe lamb and a ram lamb.
Then a couple of Drysdale ewes popped out their offspring. π
In the shed tonight I thought that the fostered Castledale lamb was starting to get a wee bit whiffy downwind so decided to try swapping the pelt for a proper jacket. “Mum” decided it was a bit strange but it was still smelly so must be her girl!! (Thankfully!) Expecting some bad weather tomorrow and the little one is not a Drysdale that her “mum” thinks she is!
Little one is moving better now (not weighed down!) and should go ahead in leaps and bounds. Literally. π
Have decided to call the Drysdale “mum”, Boadicea. She’s a tough one….. π
Bubba though..? I might need some help. π